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( Update : 2006/7/17 )
http://www2.moug.net/bbs/exvba/20060715000007.htm (Internet Archive)
[ Wikipedia / 複素数 ] https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%A4%87%E7%B4%A0%E6%95%B0
※ クラスモジュール 利用 ※
Option Explicit
'=======【 クラスモジュール ( Complex ) 】============
Private dblReal As Double '実数部
Private dblImag As Double '虚数部
Private strValue As String '複素数表示
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
dblReal = 0
dblImag = 0
strValue = "0"
End Sub
Public Property Get Real() As Double
Real = dblReal
End Property
Public Property Let Real(ByVal CmpReal As Double)
dblReal = CmpReal
Call CompStr
End Property
Public Property Get Imag() As Double
Imag = dblImag
End Property
Public Property Let Imag(ByVal CmpImag As Double)
dblImag = CmpImag
Call CompStr
End Property
Public Property Get Value() As String
Value = strValue
End Property
Public Property Let Value(ByVal CmpValue As String)
Me.CompSetStr CmpValue
End Property
'<< 加算 >>
Public Function CompSum(ByVal Cmp1 As Complex, ByVal Cmp2 As Complex) As Complex
dblReal = Cmp1.Real + Cmp2.Real
dblImag = Cmp1.Imag + Cmp2.Imag
Call CompStr
Set CompSum = Me
End Function
'<< 引算 >>
Public Function CompDiff(ByVal Cmp1 As Complex, ByVal Cmp2 As Complex) As Complex
dblReal = Cmp1.Real - Cmp2.Real
dblImag = Cmp1.Imag - Cmp2.Imag
Call CompStr
Set CompDiff = Me
End Function
'<< 乗算 >>
Public Function CompMult(ByVal Cmp1 As Complex, ByVal Cmp2 As Complex) As Complex
dblReal = Cmp1.Real * Cmp2.Real - Cmp1.Imag * Cmp2.Imag
dblImag = Cmp1.Real * Cmp2.Imag + Cmp1.Imag * Cmp2.Real
Call CompStr
Set CompMult = Me
End Function
'<< 除算 >>
Public Function CompDiv(ByVal Cmp1 As Complex, ByVal Cmp2 As Complex) As Complex
Dim dblDIV As Double
If (Cmp2.Value = "0") Then
dblReal = 0
dblImag = 0
dblDIV = (Cmp2.Real ^ 2) + (Cmp2.Imag ^ 2)
dblReal = ((Cmp1.Real * Cmp2.Real) _
+ (Cmp1.Imag * Cmp2.Imag)) / dblDIV
dblImag = ((Cmp1.Imag * Cmp2.Real) _
- (Cmp1.Real * Cmp2.Imag)) / dblDIV
End If
Call CompStr
Set CompDiv = Me
End Function
'<< 共役複素数 >>
Public Function CompCnj(ByVal Cmp1 As Complex) As Complex
dblReal = Cmp1.Real
dblImag = (-1) * Cmp1.Imag
Call CompStr
Set CompCnj = Me
End Function
'<< 絶対値 >>
Public Function CompAbs(ByVal Cmp1 As Complex) As Complex
dblReal = Sqr(Cmp1.Real ^ 2 + Cmp1.Imag ^ 2)
dblImag = 0
Call CompStr
Set CompAbs = Me
End Function
'<< 複素数 生成(実数/虚数 指定) >>
Public Function CompSet(ByVal Real As Double, ByVal Imag As Double) As Complex
dblReal = Real
dblImag = Imag
Call CompStr
Set CompSet = Me
End Function
'<< 複素数 生成(複素数 表示) >>
Public Function CompSetStr(ByVal CmpStr As String) As Complex
Dim i As Integer
Dim cntP As Integer
Dim cntM As Integer
Dim cntI As Integer
Dim strReal As String
Dim strImag As String
For i = 1 To Len(CmpStr)
Select Case Mid(CmpStr, i, 1)
Case "+": cntP = cntP + 1
Case "-": cntM = cntM + 1
Case "i": cntI = cntI + 1
Case "."
Case "0" To "9"
Case Else
cntI = cntI + 2 'Errにする為
End Select
Next i
If (cntP > 2) Or (cntM > 2) Or ((cntP + cntM) > 2) Then
GoTo Err
ElseIf (cntI > 1) Or _
((cntI = 1) And (Right(CmpStr, 1) <> "i")) Then
GoTo Err
ElseIf ((cntP + cntM) = 2) Then
Select Case Left(CmpStr, 1)
Case "+", "-"
Case Else
GoTo Err
End Select
End If
Select Case (cntP + cntM)
Case 0
If (cntI = 0) Then '正の実数のみ
strReal = CmpStr
strImag = ""
Else '正の虚数のみ
strReal = ""
strImag = CmpStr
End If
Case 1
If (cntI = 0) Then '(正)/負の実数のみ
strReal = CmpStr
strImag = ""
Else '(正)の実数と正/負の虚数
i = InStr(CmpStr, "+")
If (i = 0) Then
i = InStr(CmpStr, "-")
End If
strReal = Left(CmpStr, i - 1)
strImag = Mid(CmpStr, i)
End If
Case 2 '正/負の実数と正/負の虚数
i = InStr(2, CmpStr, "+")
If (i = 0) Then
i = InStr(2, CmpStr, "-")
End If
strReal = Left(CmpStr, i - 1)
strImag = Mid(CmpStr, i)
End Select
dblReal = Val(strReal)
Select Case strImag
Case ""
dblImag = 0
Case "i", "+i"
dblImag = 1
Case "-i"
dblImag = -1
Case Else
strImag = Left(strImag, Len(strImag) - 1)
dblImag = Val(strImag)
End Select
Call CompStr
Set CompSetStr = Me
Exit Function
dblReal = 0
dblImag = 0
Call CompStr
Set CompSetStr = Me
End Function
'<< 複素数表現(文字列) >>
Private Sub CompStr()
If (dblReal = 0) And (dblImag = 0) Then
strValue = "0"
ElseIf (dblImag = 0) Then
strValue = CStr(dblReal)
ElseIf (dblReal = 0) Then
Select Case dblImag
Case 1
strValue = "i"
Case -1
strValue = "-i"
Case Else
strValue = CStr(dblImag) & "i"
End Select
Select Case dblImag
Case 1
strValue = CStr(dblReal) & "+i"
Case -1
strValue = CStr(dblReal) & "-i"
Case Is < 0
strValue = CStr(dblReal) & CStr(dblImag) & "i"
Case Else
strValue = CStr(dblReal) & "+" & CStr(dblImag) & "i"
End Select
End If
End Sub
利用例 は こちら
※ ユーザー定義型 利用 ※
Option Explicit
'=======【 標準モジュール 】============
' ※ 直接[Real, Imag, Value]へ値を代入しない事!
' 変数は初期化し、値の代入は必ず[CompSet, CompSetStr]で行なう事
Public Type Complex
Real As Double '実数部
Imag As Double '虚数部
Value As String '複素数表示
End Type
'<< 初期化 >>
Public Function CompInit() As Complex
Dim CmpWK As Complex
CmpWK.Real = 0
CmpWK.Imag = 0
CmpWK.Value = "0"
CompInit = CmpWK
End Function
'<< 加算 >>
Public Function CompSum(ByRef Cmp1 As Complex, ByRef Cmp2 As Complex) As Complex
Dim CmpWK As Complex
CmpWK.Real = Cmp1.Real + Cmp2.Real
CmpWK.Imag = Cmp1.Imag + Cmp2.Imag
CmpWK.Value = CompStr(CmpWK)
CompSum = CmpWK
End Function
'<< 引算 >>
Public Function CompDiff(ByRef Cmp1 As Complex, ByRef Cmp2 As Complex) As Complex
Dim CmpWK As Complex
CmpWK.Real = Cmp1.Real - Cmp2.Real
CmpWK.Imag = Cmp1.Imag - Cmp2.Imag
CmpWK.Value = CompStr(CmpWK)
CompDiff = CmpWK
End Function
'<< 乗算 >>
Public Function CompMult(ByRef Cmp1 As Complex, ByRef Cmp2 As Complex) As Complex
Dim CmpWK As Complex
CmpWK.Real = Cmp1.Real * Cmp2.Real - Cmp1.Imag * Cmp2.Imag
CmpWK.Imag = Cmp1.Real * Cmp2.Imag + Cmp1.Imag * Cmp2.Real
CmpWK.Value = CompStr(CmpWK)
CompMult = CmpWK
End Function
'<< 除算 >>
Public Function CompDiv(ByRef Cmp1 As Complex, ByRef Cmp2 As Complex) As Complex
Dim CmpWK As Complex
Dim dblDIV As Double
If (Cmp2.Real = 0) And (Cmp2.Imag = 0) Then
'初期化されていない可能性もあるので[Value = "0"]では比較しない
CmpWK.Real = 0
CmpWK.Imag = 0
dblDIV = (Cmp2.Real ^ 2) + (Cmp2.Imag ^ 2)
CmpWK.Real = ((Cmp1.Real * Cmp2.Real) _
+ (Cmp1.Imag * Cmp2.Imag)) / dblDIV
CmpWK.Imag = ((Cmp1.Imag * Cmp2.Real) _
- (Cmp1.Real * Cmp2.Imag)) / dblDIV
End If
CmpWK.Value = CompStr(CmpWK)
CompDiv = CmpWK
End Function
'<< 共役複素数 >>
Public Function CompCnj(ByRef Cmp1 As Complex) As Complex
Dim CmpWK As Complex
CmpWK.Real = Cmp1.Real
CmpWK.Imag = (-1) * Cmp1.Imag
CmpWK.Value = CompStr(CmpWK)
CompCnj = CmpWK
End Function
'<< 絶対値 >>
Public Function CompAbs(ByRef Cmp1 As Complex) As Complex
Dim CmpWK As Complex
CmpWK.Real = Sqr(Cmp1.Real ^ 2 + Cmp1.Imag ^ 2)
CmpWK.Imag = 0
CmpWK.Value = CompStr(CmpWK)
CompAbs = CmpWK
End Function
'<< 複素数 生成(実数/虚数 指定) >>
Public Function CompSet(ByVal Real As Double, ByVal Imag As Double) As Complex
Dim CmpWK As Complex
CmpWK.Real = Real
CmpWK.Imag = Imag
CmpWK.Value = CompStr(CmpWK)
CompSet = CmpWK
End Function
'<< 複素数 生成(複素数 表示) >>
Public Function CompSetStr(ByVal CmpStr As String) As Complex
Dim i As Integer
Dim cntP As Integer
Dim cntM As Integer
Dim cntI As Integer
Dim strReal As String
Dim strImag As String
Dim CmpWK As Complex
For i = 1 To Len(CmpStr)
Select Case Mid(CmpStr, i, 1)
Case "+": cntP = cntP + 1
Case "-": cntM = cntM + 1
Case "i": cntI = cntI + 1
Case "."
Case "0" To "9"
Case Else
cntI = cntI + 2 'Errにする為
End Select
Next i
If (cntP > 2) Or (cntM > 2) Or ((cntP + cntM) > 2) Then
GoTo Err
ElseIf (cntI > 1) Or _
((cntI = 1) And (Right(CmpStr, 1) <> "i")) Then
GoTo Err
ElseIf ((cntP + cntM) = 2) Then
Select Case Left(CmpStr, 1)
Case "+", "-"
Case Else
GoTo Err
End Select
End If
Select Case (cntP + cntM)
Case 0
If (cntI = 0) Then '正の実数のみ
strReal = CmpStr
strImag = ""
Else '正の虚数のみ
strReal = ""
strImag = CmpStr
End If
Case 1
If (cntI = 0) Then '(正)/負の実数のみ
strReal = CmpStr
strImag = ""
Else '(正)の実数と正/負の虚数
i = InStr(CmpStr, "+")
If (i = 0) Then
i = InStr(CmpStr, "-")
End If
strReal = Left(CmpStr, i - 1)
strImag = Mid(CmpStr, i)
End If
Case 2 '正/負の実数と正/負の虚数
i = InStr(2, CmpStr, "+")
If (i = 0) Then
i = InStr(2, CmpStr, "-")
End If
strReal = Left(CmpStr, i - 1)
strImag = Mid(CmpStr, i)
End Select
CmpWK.Real = Val(strReal)
Select Case strImag
Case ""
CmpWK.Imag = 0
Case "i", "+i"
CmpWK.Imag = 1
Case "-i"
CmpWK.Imag = -1
Case Else
strImag = Left(strImag, Len(strImag) - 1)
CmpWK.Imag = Val(strImag)
End Select
CmpWK.Value = CompStr(CmpWK)
CompSetStr = CmpWK
Exit Function
CmpWK.Real = 0
CmpWK.Imag = 0
CmpWK.Value = CompStr(CmpWK)
CompSetStr = CmpWK
End Function
'<< 複素数表現(文字列) >>
Private Function CompStr(ByRef Cmp1 As Complex) As String
If (Cmp1.Real = 0) And (Cmp1.Imag = 0) Then
CompStr = "0"
ElseIf (Cmp1.Imag = 0) Then
CompStr = CStr(Cmp1.Real)
ElseIf (Cmp1.Real = 0) Then
Select Case Cmp1.Imag
Case 1
CompStr = "i"
Case -1
CompStr = "-i"
Case Else
CompStr = CStr(Cmp1.Imag) & "i"
End Select
Select Case Cmp1.Imag
Case 1
CompStr = CStr(Cmp1.Real) & "+i"
Case -1
CompStr = CStr(Cmp1.Real) & "-i"
Case Is < 0
CompStr = CStr(Cmp1.Real) & CStr(Cmp1.Imag) & "i"
Case Else
CompStr = CStr(Cmp1.Real) & "+" & CStr(Cmp1.Imag) & "i"
End Select
End If
End Function
--- 利用例 ---
'_/ 複素数 計算 利用例 ( クラス )
Sub Test1()
Dim C1 As Complex
Dim C2 As Complex
Dim C3 As Complex
Set C1 = New Complex
Set C2 = New Complex
Set C3 = New Complex
' C1=[25+8i] C2=[4-3i]
C1.CompSet 25, 8
C2.CompSetStr "4-3i"
' 以下 [ Real / Imag / Value ]は Complex クラスのプロパティ
MsgBox C1.Real & vbCrLf & C1.Imag & vbCrLf & C1.Value
C3.Real = 7 '[Value]との同期も常に取られている
MsgBox C3.Real & vbCrLf & C3.Imag & vbCrLf & C3.Value
C3.Imag = 2
MsgBox C3.Real & vbCrLf & C3.Imag & vbCrLf & C3.Value
C3.Value = "-3+6i" '[C3.CompSetStr "-3+6i"] と同義
MsgBox C3.Real & vbCrLf & C3.Imag & vbCrLf & C3.Value
' C3=C1+C2
MsgBox C3.CompSum(C1, C2).Value
' C3=C1-C2
MsgBox C3.CompDiff(C1, C2).Value
' C3=C1*C2
MsgBox C3.CompMult(C1, C2).Value
' C3=C1/C2
MsgBox C3.CompDiv(C1, C2).Value
' C3=C1の共役複素数
MsgBox C3.CompCnj(C1).Value
' C3=ABS(C1)
MsgBox C3.CompAbs(C1).Value
'{C1,C2} の値設定も一緒に行なう例
' C3=C1+C2
MsgBox C3.CompSum(C1.CompSet(25, 8), C2.CompSetStr("4-3i")).Value
' C3=C1-C2
MsgBox C3.CompDiff(C1.CompSet(25, 8), C2.CompSetStr("4-3i")).Value
' C3=C1*C2
MsgBox C3.CompMult(C1.CompSet(25, 8), C2.CompSetStr("4-3i")).Value
' C3=C1/C2
MsgBox C3.CompDiv(C1.CompSet(25, 8), C2.CompSetStr("4-3i")).Value
'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
End Sub
'_/ 複素数 計算 利用例 ( ユーザー定義型 )
Sub Test2()
Dim C1 As Complex
Dim C2 As Complex
C1 = CompInit
C2 = CompInit
' C1=[25+8i] C2=[4-3i]
C1 = CompSet(25, 8)
C2 = CompSetStr("4-3i")
' 以下 [ Real / Imag / Value ]は Complex 構造体の要素
MsgBox C1.Real & vbCrLf & C1.Imag & vbCrLf & C1.Value
' C1+C2
MsgBox CompSum(C1, C2).Value
' C1-C2
MsgBox CompDiff(C1, C2).Value
' C1*C2
MsgBox CompMult(C1, C2).Value
' C1/C2
MsgBox CompDiv(C1, C2).Value
' C1の共役複素数
MsgBox CompCnj(C1).Value
' ABS(C1)
MsgBox CompAbs(C1).Value
'{C1,C2} の値設定も一緒に行なう例
' C1+C2
MsgBox CompSum(CompSet(25, 8), CompSetStr("4-3i")).Value
' C1-C2
MsgBox CompDiff(CompSet(25, 8), CompSetStr("4-3i")).Value
' C1*C2
MsgBox CompMult(CompSet(25, 8), CompSetStr("4-3i")).Value
' C1/C2
MsgBox CompDiv(CompSet(25, 8), CompSetStr("4-3i")).Value
'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
End Sub
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角田 桂一 Mail:addinbox@h4.dion.ne.jp CopyRight(C) 2006 Allrights Reserved. |